
Why work at Osprey

You’ll work on the coolest stuff on the planet

Working at the most sophisticated scientific research facilities on the planet comes with an extraordinary benefit: every day you go to work, you’re part of a team making the world’s most important and exciting discoveries.

  • Finding the best way to make batteries for electric vehicles.
  • Analyzing proteins for medical  breakthroughs.
  • Discovering and decoding hidden text on ancient papyrus.
  • Unlocking the mystery of gravitational waves.
  • Identifying and studying new exoplanets.
  • Exploring the mysteries of creation and the evolution of our universe.
  • Unlocking life-saving insights about viruses and vaccines.
  • Making fusion a viable source of energy.

We care about job satisfaction (really!).

We don’t just talk about career happiness at Osprey, we do the important things to make it happen. We’ve found that beyond doing meaningful work, what matters most to employees is a supportive environment that maximizes growth while minimizing stress. Here’s how it works:

  • We match your interests and growth desires with our opportunities. Our scientific control systems are the most exacting and complex on the planet. Making them work requires a diverse set of skills and career paths. If you have an interest in any of the following, we can create a path for you.
    • Systems Integration
    • Mechanical Engineering
    • Physics
    • Programming & Software Engineering
    • Electrical Engineering
  • We provide best-in-class mentors in every skill area. There’s no better way to boost your career than a skilled mentor who cares about you and your development. Active mentorship is a key part of your (and our) success formula at Osprey.
  • We surround you with a supportive team and culture. Given the importance of our systems, it’s imperative we get to the right solution. At Osprey, if you can’t find an answer in thirty minutes, you should reach out to a team member for help. Likewise, you’re expected to do the same when other employees reach out to you. Supporting each other as a team makes our work better…and a lot more enjoyable.

You’ll see the result of your work

At Osprey, you won’t be writing endless lines of code with little or no connection to the success of a project or mission. Here, your work matters. Whether it’s automating the precise control of heat and vibration, synchronizing hundreds of computers to collect correlated data at kilohertz rates, or acquiring and managing data for AI and machine learning applications, Osprey’s experts play a critical role in enabling and advancing breakthrough research.

Who we’re looking for

If you are best in class...

in one of the fields below and looking for a refreshing change of scenery, Osprey has a culture and small-company feel that allows you to flourish. Small companies aren’t for everyone, but for those looking to make a greater impact and enjoy more freedom, Osprey may be what you’re looking for.

If you are early in your career...

and have experience in any of these fields, Osprey is the perfect place to build your skills and take your career to the next level.

Are you Osprey material?

Working on the most sophisticated systems on the planet (along with the world’s smartest scientists) requires a special set of skills and qualities. Here are five we find particularly important:

Think you might be Osprey material? We’d love to hear from you. Click here to contact us.

At Osprey, we place a higher value on our clients’ success than protecting our own ego. We’re not the kind of experts who claim to know everything, or who are above asking questions. We’re the kind who will do whatever it takes to find the answer and get the job done.

If you spend your free time diving down YouTube rabbit holes, or digging deeply into random topics, you might have found your home.

Most people only learn what they need to, then stop. A select few continue learning everything they can. We like the select few.

We work on teams of hundreds of people. We’ve found that large teams work best in a culture where information is freely shared, and team members are open to helping others. Our employees play an important role in promoting that culture.

T-shaped employees bring a depth of skills and expertise in a single field, plus the ability and willingness to collaborate across disciplines with experts in other areas. We’ve found this combination of skill-based depth (the vertical bar of the T) and collaborative breadth (the T’s horizontal bar) leads to highly successful outcomes.

Where you’ll work

Depending on your skills, experience, and interest, you can choose between on-site or remote work

Some Osprey experts prefer to work on-site, directly supporting their assigned research team. This is particularly helpful for those new to Osprey since it promotes a hands-on understanding of the complex systems you’ll design and support.

As you progress through your career, you’ll have the option of choosing a location to put down roots, if desired.