Our Focus

Osprey is a leader in the design, development, and deployment of scientific control solutions for leading-edge research facilities.




Our Systems

Designed for the most demanding requirements

A scientific control system is a specialized type of distributed control system where the demands of distance, data, devices, and/or speed are pushed to the extreme. Examples include cutting-edge science research facilities like particle accelerators and observatory telescopes, as well as precision application like chip manufacturing. It takes a special kind of company to design and manage systems that meet such extreme processing demands.  

Types of Control Systems

Centralized Control Systems

Distributed Control Systems

Standard DCS

Scientific Control Systems

Increasing Complexity

System Demands

Requirement Scientific Control Systems
>1 kHz
# of Signals
> 100,000
< 1 μs
Response Latency
< 100 μs

Our Advantage

Our Advantage

Osprey is known for its ability to deliver full-stack, end-to-end engineering solutions using open-source technology.

We work collaboratively with existing teams, adding the right skills to compliment and support your experts.

Our Team

Our Team

Our team of engineers possesses deep experience in accelerator & experimental controls for Synchrotrons, Free Electron Lasers, Telescopes, Neutron Sources, and Industrial Control.

We perform all aspects of project planning & execution, including design, implementation, commissioning, budgeting, and staffing.

Our Mission

Our Mission

Our mission is to drive innovation in control & data acquisition systems by supporting the larger scientific research community.

Our team has been instrumental in advancing the research community by spearheading development and deployment of EPICS at facilities across the world. As part of our ongoing commitment, we offer engineering support and training in any level of development or deployment of EPICS core and client applications.

Our belief is when your mission is to support the community, all parts of the scientific research ecosystem benefit.

“Osprey seeks to benefit the entire research community, and through their breakthrough discoveries, the world at large.”

—Leo (Bob) Dalesio

“Osprey seeks to benefit the entire research community, and through their breakthrough discoveries, the world at large.”

—Leo (Bob) Dalesio

Discovery Spotlight

Osprey celebrates the many discoveries, big and small, of our partners in the scientific community.

Here’s a sampling of recent discoveries at client locations across the world. We encourage you to visit their sites and learn more about their important work.

SLAC National Laboratory

SLAC National Laboratory

SLAC fires up the world’s most powerful X-ray laser: LCLS-II ushers in a new era of science.

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Brookhaven: NSLS-II

Virtual tour: How beam lines unlock discoveries at NSLS-II.

Watch Video

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Proton Power Upgrade keeps US at forefront of neutron sciences; accelerates pace of discovery.

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EPICS provides the infrastructure to develop state-of-the-art science facilities.

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Explore a future with Osprey

We love discovering and developing great talent!


Explore a future with Osprey

We love discovering and developing great talent!


Explore a future with Osprey

We love discovering and developing great talent!

10 Advantages of Open-Source Technology

Welcome to the forefront of scientific exploration, where the power of open-source software is reshaping the landscape of research facilities. In the pursuit of knowledge, adaptability and innovation are paramount. Open-source solutions have become indispensable tools for scientific research facilities, providing a dynamic and collaborative environment that accelerates discovery. Here are ten distinct advantages that open-source software offers to propel scientific research into new realms of possibilities.

Scientific research is marked by its ever-changing nature, demanding tools that can adapt to evolving methodologies and experimental paradigms. Open-source software provides unparalleled flexibility, allowing research facilities to customize solutions to match the unique demands of their experiments. The ability to tweak and tailor software ensures that researchers have the agility to navigate the intricate paths of scientific inquiry.

In the realm of scientific discovery, agility is a defining factor. Open-source software empowers research facilities to swiftly respond to emerging research trends and technological advancements. This agility not only streamlines the research process but also ensures that scientists can pivot seamlessly when faced with unexpected findings or paradigm shifts, fostering an environment conducive to groundbreaking discoveries.

The pursuit of scientific truth demands precision, reliability, and robustness. Open-source software, developed and scrutinized by a global community of experts, delivers higher quality code. Peer-reviewed contributions and collaborative refinement result in software that meets the rigorous standards of scientific research, minimizing errors and enhancing the overall reliability of research tools.

The pace of scientific progress is relentless, and time is a critical factor in the pursuit of breakthroughs. Open-source software accelerates the research process by providing tools that are continuously updated and refined. This speed not only expedites data analysis and experimentation but also ensures that research facilities remain at the cutting edge of their respective fields.

Open-source solutions drive the digital transformation of scientific research facilities. By adopting flexible and adaptable technologies, these facilities can seamlessly integrate advanced computational methods, data analytics, and collaborative platforms. This digital transformation not only enhances research capabilities but also enables a more interconnected and collaborative scientific community.

Research budgets are often limited, and open-source software offers a cost-effective alternative to proprietary solutions. The absence of licensing fees and the ability to leverage a global community for support significantly reduce the financial burden on research facilities. This cost efficiency ensures that funds can be allocated strategically, maximizing the impact of each research endeavor.

Open-source software caters to research facilities of all sizes, providing an entry point for institutions to start small and scale their computational capabilities as their research demands grow. This scalability ensures that even smaller facilities with modest budgets can access powerful tools, laying the foundation for ambitious scientific exploration.

In the pursuit of scientific truth, transparency is non-negotiable. Open-source software, with its accessible source code and collaborative development model, fosters transparency in research tools. Researchers can scrutinize and validate every aspect of the software, ensuring the integrity of their analyses and experiments.

Engaging with open-source communities enhances a research facility's reputation as a forward-thinking and collaborative institution. This, in turn, attracts top-tier talent — scientists, researchers, and developers who seek environments that value innovation and contribution to the broader scientific community. The ability to collaborate on open-source projects becomes a beacon for talent looking to make a meaningful impact.

Open-source communities are hubs of innovation, and research facilities tapping into these networks gain access to a wealth of ideas and advancements. Collaborating with a diverse community of experts fosters a culture of continuous improvement and exploration. The synergy of minds within these communities propels scientific research facilities towards groundbreaking discoveries, fueled by the collective knowledge and creativity of the global scientific community.

In the realm of scientific discovery, open-source technology serves as a catalyst for progress. The advantages presented by flexible, agile, and collaborative open-source software redefine the landscape of research facilities, providing the tools needed to unlock the mysteries of the universe. As we look towards the future, it’s evident that the ethos of open-source technology will continue to drive discovery, enabling researchers to push the boundaries of knowledge and reshape the way we understand the world. Open source isn’t just a tool; it’s the engine driving scientific exploration into uncharted territories, shaping the future of discovery.


Bob Dalesio founded Osprey in 2015 with a mission to drive control system innovation at research facilities across the world.

Bob began his career in distributed control system design & development in 1984 at Los Alamos National Laboratory, where he worked for 17 years. There, Bob identified the need for a more robust set of software tools to power distributed control systems in demanding applications. He is a principal architect of EPICS, now the control system software of choice across world-leading science research facilities.

He later led and advised distributed control groups at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory and Brookhaven National Laboratory.

True to his collaborative spirit, Bob leads Osprey with the ethos of supporting the larger ecosystem of the scientific research community.

Bob lives in Ocean City, MD, with his wife, Nancy, and lovable lab, Avery.


Chief Technology Officer

Michael Davidsaver has spent his entire career mastering the design, development, & deployment of control and data acquisition systems in scientific environments.

Michael brings a unique blend of engineering & programming expertise, combined with a problem-solving moxie gained from decades of on-site experience. His ability to see both the big picture and critical details make him an invaluable contributor to each project.

Prior to joining Osprey, he served as Technology Engineer at Brookhaven National Laboratory, where he was instrumental in the set-up of NSLS-II. He also served as a visiting physics scholar at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory.

Michael is a key contributor to the EPICS community. He collaborates with the community to develop network security and to maintain a robust & performant communication platform. He also leads development and implementation of the EPICS 7 communication protocol and is a key architect of EPICS extensions used in full stack solutions.

Michaels lives in the San Francisco Bay Area.